North Edmonton Outage?


Hey, anyone in the Coliseum area being told there is an outage?  I'm told there is one and that's why my service is disconnected every 10 minutes, with a ticket number INC1106378, but no outage is listed anywhere on the shaw site.  Just reaching out to see if anyone else has gotten the same response, as it's been over 3 weeks now, and I'm paying for Fibre1.5, with download speeds around 300mbps

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4 Replies

If your service is disconnecting every 10 minutes for the...

Grand Master


If your service is disconnecting every 10 minutes for the last three weeks, it is probably time for a service call, contact Shaw and get someone out. 

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--  I'm paying for Fibre1.5, with download speeds around...

Legendary Grand Master

@NHager --  I'm paying for Fibre1.5, with download speeds around 300 mbps.

You should be getting 1.5 Gbps to the cable-modem, and 1.0 Gbps to any device inside your private network.

How fast is the computer that you are running the Shaw Speed Test, that reports only 300 Mbps?  On slower computers (with slower than 2.5 Ghz processors), the Speed Test is not running at its full speed, and thus reports lower values.  So, try a faster computer.

Otherwise, there may be a problem somewhere:

  1. coaxial-cable between the nearest telephone-post and your home,
  2. your cable-modem might need to be "reprovisioned" (by Shaw) to download the configuration for 1.5 Gbps,
  3. hardware/software problem inside your cable-modem,
  4. try a different "CAT-5e" or "CAT-6" Ethernet cable between the cable-modem and your computer,
  5. if you are using WiFi, some WiFi adapters inside your computer may have a maximum speed of 300 Mbps,
  6. as @rstra suggests, contact Shaw. A Shaw Agent can remotely logon to your cable-modem, to check it out.





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I have a similar problém with the internet. All day today...


I have a similar problém with the internet. All day today. On a off, mostly off. Even since the merger/aquisition with Rogers there are frequent outages. I’ve never experienced anything of the sort in two decades with Shaw. Horribly unreliable service. 

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-- I see no current "outages" in Northern Alberta, via: h...

Legendary Grand Master

@Merillion -- I see no current "outages" in Northern Alberta, via:

Any "resolved" outages are soon removed from the above web-page.

I suggest that you contact Rogers Support [1-888-472-2222] for them to trouble-shoot:

  1. the connection from your computer to your cable-modem
  2. the connection from your cable-modem to the wall outlet
  3. the cables inside your walls to their "demarcation box" on the outside of your house
  4. the cable from that box to their equipment on the nearest telephone-pole
  5. the cable from their equipment to their Central Office


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