XB6 Stale DHCP Clients


I have the XB6 modem on 1Gb Fibre+ package.

I have many devices (household of 4 adults), some of which have static IPs.  I have one device I am trying to add a port forward to and when I look at the connected device in any of the interfaces it shows the current (and correct) IP.  When I select that same name on the Port Forward screen it adds it with a different IP.  I have gone through the device list (connected and not connected) and there does not appear to be any devices using this IP.  How do I clear the old stale entries from the DHCP system?  This has persisted through multiple reboots and of course the moment I say "port forward" Shaw throws up their hands and says they don't support that.  Anyone have any suggestions short of factory reset and completely rebuilding my home network IPs from scratch?  (I really miss when you could add a static IP with the MAC address before actually connecting the device.)  If this persists I may have to buy a real router and just turn this one into a pass-thru box which seems like a real waste.

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