Hi, earlier this year, after reading much online and on this forum, I purchased 2 Actiontec 2.5 Moca Adapters. Since moving into my small 2 story home WiFi has been terrible. About 3 years ago I was supplied with an XB6 modem/router. The WiFi did not improve. During the last 2 years with so many working from home my WiFi is 300 one minute and 6 the next. The router is in the 2nd floor office and the main TV downstairs. Moca was working great and I had consistent numbers then something happened and it all dropped. Two days ago I was supplied with a replacement XB6. But as many times I tried to enable Moca, it would not work. After lengthy discussion with Tech support I was advised Shaw has turned off Moca capability. The tech kept asking "why I wanted Moca". Nothing nefarious just better wifi.. Recently I also learned Shaw distributes only used or refurbished equipment. I knew this was a possibility a couple years ago but now it's standard practice to advise the customer they are receiving "New" and it's not. Has anyone else experienced the Moca change or used equipment?