Good evening. I just called in and received an IDN. So, I figured I should come here to ask. I just got the Shaw XiOne. The channel lineup and apps are horrible... There really isn't much to offer with this device. Where is Pluto app or even Discovery Plus?? I was surprised that there was no Discovery plus, that sh*** on everything. Well to whomever updates these boxes, please add MUCH more third-party apps ASAP. Thanks!
Besides that, the hardware is amazing, and the picture quality is very good. This box has a lot of potential.
@BlairTh Thanks for your feedback about the Shaw TV hardware. Please submit recommendations about other video streaming apps you'd like to include in our Shaw TV menu via “Your Voice”. We can share it with the appropriate stakeholders.
@BlairTh wrote: 2023-03-29 06:43 PM -- I just got the Shaw XiOne. The channel lineup .... are horrible.
Are you not getting all the channels listed under "My Channels" after your logon to your My Shaw Portal ? If not, there is a "refresh" option, to download all your channel entitlements to the XiOne.