Active Time Details is a feature included with Ignite HomeConnect that provides insight into which apps and websites are being used most by a Ignite HomeConnect profile. Once activated in a profile, the profile will display how long certain apps and websites have been used and will also break down usage by app category.

Supported devices, apps, & websites

Only activity on supported apps and websites on supported devices will report Active Time Details. Active time for unsupported apps and websites will still be reflected in the overall active time for the profile but won't be broken down by app or category.

Supported devices

  • Mobile devices running Android, iOS, or or Chrome OS
  • Computers running Windows, Mac OS, or Chrome OS

Supported apps and websites

  • Only details from supported apps and websites will be tracked. Data used through unsupported apps will still be included in the total usage time of the profile but won't be tracked as app or website use nor will it be categorized. A list of supported applications & categories can be found here.

Enable or disable Active Time Details

  1. Open and sign in to the Ignite HomeConnect App.
  2. Select the People tab.
  3. Select the user profile you wish to enable Active Time Details on.
    • Note: If you haven't created a user profile yet, you will need to do so first. Instructions on setting up a user profile can be found here.
  4. Select Try Active Time Details option from the Feature Spotlight
    • Alternately, the customer can select the gear icon in the upper right corner beside the profile name.
  5. Select Turn on Activity Time Details from the Activity Settings section
  6. Agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service disclaimer at the bottom of the screen
  7. Select Turn On and a confirmation screen will appear once enabled
    • Note: To disable simply repeat steps 1-5 and then select Turn Off

View your Active Time Details

There are two ways you can view Active Time Details—by app/website name and by category.

Note: If you haven't created a user profile yet, you will need to do so to have access to this feature. Instructions on setting up a user profile can be found here.


  1. Select the People tab from the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select a profile with Active Time Details enabled on it.
  3. Click on the View More option to see the full list of tracked apps.


  1. Select the People tab from the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select a profile with Active Time Details enabled on it and click View More.
  3. Select the View More option to see the full list of tracked apps.
  4. Select Switch to categories.
  5. The app will now show profile usage by category. Categories include:
    • Social
    • Entertainment
    • Search & Utilities
    • and many more

How it works

You can view information on how Active Time Details are recorded right from within the Ignite HomeConnect App.

  1. Select the People tab from the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select a profile with Active Time Details enabled on it.
  3. Click on the View More option to see the full list of tracked apps.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and select How Active Time Details Work.
  5. Click Next to see how we define active time, including descriptions of Background Activity and Embedded Activity.
    • Background activity: When app isn't in use but is active in the background. For example:
      • Streaming music
      • Minimized apps or games
      • Browser tabs that are not in use
    • Embedded activity: When a profile visits an app that is embedded in another source. For example:
      • Embedded YouTube video on website
      • Signing into an app with Facebook
      • Viewing an article with embedded tweets


Feature Description
Off by default

When the feature is launched, it must be enabled by on each desired profile.

User created profiles only

The default Household and Guest profiles in Ignite HomeConnect will not allow Active Time Details to be turned on. A user created profile must be used to turn on Active Time Details.

Privacy Policy & Terms of Service

To enable Active Time Details, you must first accept the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Excludes sensitive apps Usage on certain websites and apps around dating and adult content are not captured to protect the privacy of our customers.
Tracks apps, not content

Only the app/website used is tracked, not the content consumed within the app.

For example: Time spent on YouTube is tracked, but not the videos watched).

No visibility by Shaw

Shaw does not have access to view a customer's Active Time Details to protect their privacy.

Includes background and embedded content from supported apps

An app does not need to be installed for its usage to be measured if its via an embedded video on a website or tweet.

For example: Playing an embedded YouTube video on a third party website.

In addition, an installed app not actively being used can also be tracked if it continues to run in the background.

For example: Facebook or messaging services.

Frequently asked questions

Please check Ignite HomeConnect FAQ - Active Time  for a list of frequently asked questions.
