I live in a residential area. I just saw a new network on my wifi list.
What is Shaw Mobile HotSpot? See it in list below. This is recently added by ?
Hello tc10
You can find more information regarding the ShawMobileHotspot here https://community.shaw.ca/docs/DOC-13441
Hi shaw-don
I am interested/intrigued and learning ...
So if I read this correctly, Shaw provides Freedom users 5 GHz access to wifi network from our modems in our homes.
While we get Shaw Go Wifi access in business areas while Freedom users get wifi access in our neighbourhoods as well??
Is this correct or am I reading this incorrectly?
That web page says "Shaw Internet customers who wish to have the secondary WiFi network disabled on their modem can do so at any time by visiting my.shaw.ca, navigating to the “Internet” side bar tab and clicking the ‘disable’ button under “Shaw Hotspot.”
I don't see this at all when I go there. We have a Hitron CGNM-2250 modem in our home, is this one of the types that is supposed to have this hot spot service for Freedom Mobile customers?
Hey confusedbuthappy,
If your modem is bridge then you will not have the feature enabled. Otherwise, the option should be available for you to disable through your MyShaw account.
Tony | Community Mod.
Yes i am a freedom customer and having a big gig plan comes with shaw mobile hot spot which is for on the go they told me when i started the plan it covered major routes for customers going to work and **bleep** .kinda like vancouver's free wifi to keep everyone hooked
Where was this disclosed to new customers and are you going to refund me back for the usage of my power while running a 5gz mobile hotspot from my house?
@dingding -- where was this disclosed to new customers
In the "fine print" in the footnotes on some of Shaw's web-sites, and in the contract document that new subscribers receive.
Recently, Shaw has changed its web-site, to only show 4 plans: 300 Mbps, 750 Mbps, 1000 Mbps, and 1500 Mbps. All of those plans come with the BlueCurve cable-modem, which @rstra correctly indicates that the BlueCurve does not currently offer that external network. A Shaw website states that the future allows that external network to become available on the BlueCurve cable-modem. This makes sense, as Shaw migrates away from the HITRON modem, and its maximum speed of 300 Mbps.
Previously, that web-site showed other plans, from Fibre+ 15 up to Fibre+ 150, that included the rental of the HITRON cable-modem.