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Bluecurve modem will not assign IP to any third party routing device in bridge mode


Problem: No matter what third party router or gateway is connected to my bluecurve modem (in bridged mode), the WAN port is never able to receive an IP from shaw's DHCP. 

This is a consistent problem I have been having with this bluecurve modem. In bridged mode any device that is not a router can receive a Shaw IP address when connected to the bluecurve modem. If I connect a router or internet gateway through it's WAN port, they cannot get an IP address.

I have tried Ubiquiti's Unifi Security gateway, Ubiquiti's EdgeMAX 4 port router, various old Linksys routers, and software based server routing using ipFire or pfSense: none of them can get an WAN IP. When I connect any PC or laptop direct to the modem, I instantly get a  96.52.xxx.xxx IP address and the internet works fine. 

I spoke to Ubiquti's tech support and they have told me that they have had this issue before and that it is an ISP related issue. I agree because this problem is the same on every single router I have in the house. The only way around it is to disable bridge mode and assign the router a LAN IP from the modem, then emulate the bridge that internally to another LAN IP but any port forwarding does not work correctly and most internet applications are massively slowed down or do not work properly due to port conflicts and uPNP not working as intended either.

So shaw, what is going on? Why does the bluecurve modem know when a router is connected and why does it not be allowed to get an IP? I can connect two PCs to the modem, and I have two Shaw IPs that are assigned, but if I connect one PC to one port and a router/gateway to another, only the PC will get an IP address. It does no matter which port is used for the router, both do not get an IP. 


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