Same freezing problem occurring again on all channels! Ev...


Same freezing problem occurring again on all channels! Everything was fine for about 4 days now every channel is freezing or losing sound. Very frustrating since I’ve had Blue Curve TV for only a week now and for at least 4 nights already it has been unwatchable.


I can back up all of these experiences. I have three wire...


I can back up all of these experiences. I have three wireless Blue Sky boxes. 2 running on 4k TVs and one on 1080p. Anything with fast motion or a complex background (sports especially) is compressed like crazy. Everything gets blocky and drops down to a lower quality of stream constantly. Anything like that off the cloud DVR is worse. The level of compression used on the cloud DVR side is horrid. Seems to look better on the iPad using Freerange so it may be on the Bluesky hardware side. My first thought was of course the wireless nature of the boxes, but the TV right beside the router is just as bad as the TVs further away. And both Netflix and Youtube can run full 4K videos through the same hardware and it looks like a million bucks. The live TV and cloud DVR just kick the crap out of the signal. I'm wondering if Shaw is completely reliant on Comcast to fix the problem or if there are things that Shaw can do to fix this. My old wired Blue Sky box looked pretty good running 1080i live broadcasts and PVR content. It had compression artifacts but nothing like this. Help?


I'm sorry to hear that you're still encountering issues w...


@ddisregard I'm sorry to hear that you're still encountering issues with your TV service. Are you using the BlueCurve wireless set-top boxes, or wired? If you have a wired set up, try the steps on this page on the main BlueCurve set top and see if that makes an improvement. 

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I have been dealing w/the same problem for a week. We hav...


I have been dealing w/the same problem for a week. We have, unplugged, replaced the coax cable that runs from the splitter to the box, reconnected all coax connections tightly, reset the box (on numerous occasions.) and are quite honestly baffled at the mid-evil level of service I am receiving from Shaw. I have been a Telus customer before and I am just going to switch, it’s official. The prices are cheaper and far superior technology and service. The future is friendly guys. #telus. 


Same issue again this morning: freezing, no sound, TV is...


Same issue again this morning: freezing, no sound, TV is unwatchable. I am using the wireless set-top boxes. Shaw should have tested this product more thoroughly before offering it to their customers as I'm not the only one experiencing these problems. Needless to say, I've advised all my friends/family/co-workers to not purchase BlueCurve. To make matters worse, every time I call technical support I'm usually around number 1500 in the queue and have to wait by my phone for 2+ hours for a call back. I cannot understand why Shaw is offering such an inferior product and poor customer service when there are so many streaming alternatives available to consumers.


I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with yo...


@Fed-up I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with your TV reception. If the steps you've done there have not improved the issue, it's more likely an issue with the signal from that cable outlet. Get in touch with our technical support team here and they can set up an appointment to have a technician come out to take a look at it for you!

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Come on Shaw...this many people can't have the same inter...


Come on Shaw...this many people can't have the same internal wiring problems.

Visited this thread a while back and here again hoping that someone would have gotten a straight answer...guess the joke was on me.

Just throwing myself into the mix.  I notice my problem at 5am every morning, without fail.  Internet drops (LAN and WIFI), tv cutting in and out, etc. Every channel (likely the tail end of whatever is going on during the early morning hours; 12AM-6AM MST; "Maintenance" hours).  

I have been avoiding calling in because I know it will come down to blamming it on an issue on my side...which I would buy if it happened all the time.  Like many others, I have moved my modem, connected my tv box to LAN, etc.

This level of service is unacceptable, especially as a paying customer.  I sometimes work from home and this clitchyness makes that nearly impossible as each drop causes me to be locked out of a program that I need to use.

Don't even get me started on the slow and glitchy tv boxes; BlueCurve!

Come on Shaw...we chose you for a reason but you're making it very hard not to want to cross the street.


it may be WiFi interference or a faulty modem if you are...


@JoninCoquitlam it may be WiFi interference or a faulty modem if you are only noticing it on the wireless boxes. What troubleshooting steps have you tried so far or did you have a service technician investigate further with you?

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My problem started with Blue Curve was switched for Free...


My problem started with Blue Curve was switched for Free Range.  Google Chrome no longer works for back episodes just live run shows.  Pixelation and audio problems make past episodes unwatchable.  Shaw's solution was to use FireFox which means I can't use Google Cast anymore.  FireFox works for live and past episodes but this isn't much of a solution.

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The tv connected to the main box doesn’t have a problem....


The tv connected to the main box doesn’t have a problem.  The two TVs connected to satellite boxes are unwatchable due to the pixelation, getting stuck, jittering, etc.  I can record on those TVs and watch without issue. I have reset the boxes, reconnected the cables, and checked that all is secure.  None of that had any impact.  This is unacceptable.

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